Transparency International - Sierra Leone

The Global Coalition against Corruption - Fighting Corruption in Sierra Leone

Public Notice

Another Three Days Lock Down for Citizens to Demonstrate and show the World that we are determined to stop Ebola in Sierra Leone

From Today Friday 27th March 2015 to Sunday 29th March 2015, Sierra Leone again observes a threedays ‘Lock Down’/’Stay at Home’ to ensure that final measures are and actions taken to curb the persistence of the Ebola Virus outbreak in our beloved country.

The Ebola Virus Outbreak has been with us for a little over ten months since May 2014. Presently, it is less conspicuous in Guinea and has almost been eradicated in Liberia. It is now our turn to demonstrate to the world that we can drive ebola out of our beloved country. Ten months with over 4,000 deaths of valuable and notable people of all works of life who had a crucial role to play in Sierra Leone’s development. Ten months of added financial burden on citizens and the state alike. Ten months of total deviation from our normal traditions, customs and behaviours. Ten months of Trauma, Fear, Vigilance, which are not even good for healthy living and co-existence. Ten months of so many odds even denying our living and dead loved onces the freedom to interact as we have used to all these years.

Is this how we want to continue to live.  I am sure we will all answer No.

We are all tired and fed up with this senseless outbreak. Fellow Sierra Leoneans, we can change this and return to our normal lives again. We can start doing this today. With commitment, dedication and patriotism and a show of love for our fellow citizens and the country as a whole, we can make this history from today onwards.

It is up to us at this crucial time to make this decision or else:

We will continue to count the dead among those of us living. Continue to subject  our sources of livelihoods to extreme hardship, jeopardize our children’s future by having them not to go to their institutions  of learning. Suffer health issues that might be disastrous to our health because we are all in fear of our medical facilities and personnel.

We cannot continue to live like this. Lets co-operate, sacrifice and commit ourselves to finally drive ebola away from our beloved country.